Monday-Friday: 7am-5pm, Saturday: 7am-11am
100KVA Generator

100KVA Generator

These commercial generator sets are a fully integrated power generation systems, providing optimum performance, reliability and versatility for stationery standby, prime power, and continuous duty applications at remote locations.

Rugged Cummins diesel engines deliver reliable power, low emissions and fast response to load changes.

High capacity fuel tanks, robust structural strength, and protected lockable enclosures.

Weather-protective and sound attenuated enclosures.

      Get In Touch

      Bryan Ratcliffe
      General Manager
      027 509 4690
      [email protected]
      Kurt Scott
      Account Manager
      027 266 6988
      [email protected]

      Lance Farrow
      Account Manager
      027 202 4706
      [email protected]

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